Listening to the wisdom of your body

what and who can benefit from this work?

Feeling better

We will work on releasing painful conditions, sensation of tension and on finding the patterns that made it appear in the first place.


When you come to a session, you are listening to yourself through the therapist's hands. It is a great way of taking care of yourself in every dimension.

Bodywork Professionals

I offer professional mentorship on improving or adding new techniques, caring for your body mechanics, and much more. If you would like to enhance your practice, this is the place.

Improving performance

You are an instrument and tuning yourself can help you to perform with more ease and refinement.


Have you been through an injury or would like to recover the endurance you had in the past? Integrative Bodywork can definitely help you.

Companies and Groups

I can help you and your teams with workshops and online movement lessons to improve the tiredness of working on a desk for many hours. Contact me for more details.

"Her work and expertise not only have helped me to feel better than I have in ages, I have also gotten to know myself deeper and to have more tools for caring for myself"
Is Montero
Product designer

What modalities do I work with?


integrative bodywork

Working deeply but respectfully is key to create the space and conditions for health, freedom of movement and wellbeing.


You are your body, mind, emotions and intellect, working with the totality of your being will impact each and every part of you.


compassionate listening

You are the authority of your body and I deeply respect it, I work in a very compassionate and open way in order to create change by listening and providing the conditions for it, instead of forcing it.

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